Thursday, September 4, 2014

Individual Assignment: Texts

Read the following texts:

– Peter Eisenman “The Last Grand Tourist: Travels with Colin Rowe”, Perspecta, Vol. 41, Grand Tour (2008), pp. 130–139
– Johan Mårtelius: “Carl August Ehrensvärd On Beauty and Utility”, Nordic Journal of Architecture, Vol. 1, (2011), pp. 102–109
– Jeremy Black: “Social and Political Reflections” from “Italy and the Grand Tour” (2003), pp. 142–165
– Le Corbusier, edited by Ivan Žaknic : “The Parthenon” from Journey to the East (2007), pp. 209–239
– Jean-François Lejeune and Michelangelo Sabatino: “Introduction: North Versus South” from Jean-François Lejeune and Michelangelo Sabatino (ed.) “Modern Architecture and the Mediterranean” (2010) pp. 1–12
– Benedetto Gravagnuolo: “From Schinkel to Le Corbusier: The Myth of the Mediterranean in Modern Architecture”, from Jean-François Lejeune and Michelangelo Sabatino (ed.) “Modern Architecture and the Mediterranean” (2010) pp. 15–39

Write a text not shorter than 3000 characters about the extracts. Upload to the server as PDF, no later than Sunday the 14th @ 17:00.

For a limited time they are available here: PDF
They are also available on KTH Web File Access: here [seems like Internet Explorer is the only way to access it]
And the content is available through FTP (i.e. Filezilla), see instructions in separate post.
Update Thursday 17:24

Please note that two texts have been added since earlier today.


  1. It says 'upload the text to the server' - what server and in which folder etc.?

  2. It will be an another post with all the how and where, later today.
