Saturday, September 13, 2014

Summaries of Friday's discussion

We've received reports from 38 groups – thank you. But we are missing two:
Group 18 Bogesund
Group 30 Rindö

Please upload and notify us when. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Seminar - Assignment

See the schedule below for where and when you should be. Before lunch you attended a review in the red tent and a seminar. These instructions are for the discussion/seminar. Attendance and the hand-in are required.
Assign one in each group (there will be four groups in every session) to take notes. After the discussions, write a short summary, half a A4, do be delivered not later than 18:00 Friday 12th of September. The summary must also include the names of the students (from your group) present at the discussion. Format: PDF. Upload: as before (see technical post).

Discuss the topics below:
A) Discuss the Grand Tour and the relation to your assignment
B) Ways of experiencing spaces/architectures – the difference of being in spaces as opposed to viewing representations of them.
C) Dialogues of the place – detail, material, structures and strategies
D) Layers – the aspect of time and space of the place

Preparation for exhibition

Please make your finalize your presentation before 9:00 Friday morning. After our vernissage tomorrow, we'll let the everything hang as an exhibition until Wednesday the 17th. So, please don't remove your work tomorrow afternoon, but keep there until next Wednesday (from next Thursday morning the tent is booked for review.)

How to: Upload

To upload the assignments, you need to access the school's server. There are two ways:
1. Use the webinterface, KTH Web File Manager , on Win 8.1 it only seem to work on Internet Explorer
2. Use a FTP program. Suggestion: Filezilla
Use the following settings:
PORT: [don't write anything there]
Use your normal login (user/password)

– Use only this folder: KTH Studentresurser/kurser/ARCH/A4201A Grand Tour . It's much easier if we gather everything in one folder, since the groups are mixed anyway.
– Name your file: GROUP_99_Engelbrektskyrkan_slides.pdf
– Name your individual assignment: Asplund_Gunnar_Text.pdf


Please use PDF when delivering both the slides and your text. And please make sure you're not uploading PDF of excessive size.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


We've done a header for every project. See the post below, for where it should be (i.e. top left, aligned with the top of the board and the leftside of your number sign). You can wait until tomorrow for a printed copy, or print one yourself. Size: A3 (folded once in the longest axis). PDF: here

Lindroos on architecture

A ten minute interview with Bengt Lindroos on architecture and granaries, from 2002. In Swedish. Here.

Schedule Friday

For this Friday, we've decided not to have final review featuring all 40 groups at once (potentially a 10 hour session) but break down the review in smaller groups. The day is divided into three different parts:
1) A review with two groups (15 min/each) and one teacher in the Red Tent (schedule below)
2) An hour seminar with four groups (four different typologies)  at different locations (see below again)
3) A brief round up with a guest reviewer after lunch.

Red Tent: 9:00–9:30
Group no 1+2 Antonello Alici
Group no 11+12 Johan Mårtelius
Group no 21+22 Claes Sörstedt
Group no 31+32 Gertrud Olsson

Red Tent: 9:30–10:00
Group no 3+4 Antonello Alici
Group no 13+14 Johan Mårtelius
Group no 23+24 Claes Sörstedt
Group no 33+34 Gertrud Olsson

[Break 15 minutes]

Red Tent: 10:15–10:45
Group no 5+6 Antonello Alici
Group no 15+16 Johan Mårtelius
Group no 25+26 Claes Sörstedt
Group no 35+36 Gertrud Olsson

Red Tent: 10:45–11:15
Group no 7+8 Antonello Alici
Group no 17+18 Johan Mårtelius
Group no 27+28 Claes Sörstedt
Group no 37+38 Gertrud Olsson

Red Tent: 11:15–11:45
Group no 9+10 Antonello Alici
Group no 19+20 Johan Mårtelius
Group no 29+30 Claes Sörstedt
Group no 39+40 Gertrud Olsson

Övre Ateljén yttre: 9:00–10:00
Group no 5+15+25+35

Övre Ateljén inre: 9:00–10:00
Group no 6+16+26+36

Room A1: 9:00–10:00
Group no 7+17+27+37

Seminar room E 407: 9:00–10:00
Group no 8+18+28+38

Övre Ateljén yttre: 10:00–11:00
Group no 1+11+21+31

Övre Ateljén inre: 10:00–11:00
Group no 2+12+22+32

Room A1: 10:00–11:00
Group no 9+19+29+39

Seminar room E 407: 10:00–11:00
Group no 10+20+30+40

Room A1: 11:00–12:00
Group no 3+13+23+33

Övre ateljén: 11:00–12:00
Group no 4+14+24+34

Finishing talk/Summary/Vernissage/Exhibition opening
Red Tent at 13:30

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Resource: Research Tips

From RAÄ on Flickr: Räpplinge, Öland

Some sources for information on buildings and places:

The Swedish Heritage Board (Riksantikvarieämbetet) hosts a couple of good databases:


– they also have excellent archive, ATA, with everything from the defunct Byggnadsstyrelsen, i.e. drawings, photos of every previously state-owned building. More info: here.

– Kungliga Biblioteket is another close a good source, database Regina + Libris

– If your study object is within Stockholm municipality, try their service with online documents and drawings, available if you have Swedish Mobile ID (or similar.) Here

– If you're working with manor houses, a good start are the series "Svenska Slott och Herresäten" from Allhems Förlag in the 1960-s.

– If you're working with churches, an excellent source are the series "Sveriges Kyrkor" which published monographies on a number of Swedish churches. Some of them are available in our library, some at KB, and quite a few are downloadable as PDF:s: here.

Stockholmskällan includes historic drawings and photographs

Digitaltmuseum is also an excellent source that aggregates Swedish material from Arkitektur- och Designcentrum among others.

the list will be updated.

Available space for your presentation

A diagram to clarify how much space you have for your presentation. You have 90 cm from the left side of the A4 with your number on it. Just now we are considering printing header for all of you. We'll get back about that during the day.
Updated: final version as above.
Please note, that we will supply the header (half a A3).

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Friday: Tutors available

From 14:30-16:00 tutoring is available in the seminar room on the 4th floor (just a few steps beyond the microwave ovens).

Monday: Asplund Day

Location: Skandiabiografen, Drottninggatan 82

12:45 Meet up at the Skandia Cinema
13:00 Lecture: Gertrud Olsson – Asplund: Expression through impression
13:30 Lecture: Johan Mårtelius – Asplund's modern classicism
14:30-15:00 Tour no. 1 of Asplund’s cinema
15:00 Lecture: Antonello Alici – Asplund's resonances in Italy
15:45-16:00: Tour no. 2 of Asplund’s cinema

Individual Assignment: Texts

Read the following texts:

– Peter Eisenman “The Last Grand Tourist: Travels with Colin Rowe”, Perspecta, Vol. 41, Grand Tour (2008), pp. 130–139
– Johan Mårtelius: “Carl August Ehrensvärd On Beauty and Utility”, Nordic Journal of Architecture, Vol. 1, (2011), pp. 102–109
– Jeremy Black: “Social and Political Reflections” from “Italy and the Grand Tour” (2003), pp. 142–165
– Le Corbusier, edited by Ivan Žaknic : “The Parthenon” from Journey to the East (2007), pp. 209–239
– Jean-François Lejeune and Michelangelo Sabatino: “Introduction: North Versus South” from Jean-François Lejeune and Michelangelo Sabatino (ed.) “Modern Architecture and the Mediterranean” (2010) pp. 1–12
– Benedetto Gravagnuolo: “From Schinkel to Le Corbusier: The Myth of the Mediterranean in Modern Architecture”, from Jean-François Lejeune and Michelangelo Sabatino (ed.) “Modern Architecture and the Mediterranean” (2010) pp. 15–39

Write a text not shorter than 3000 characters about the extracts. Upload to the server as PDF, no later than Sunday the 14th @ 17:00.

For a limited time they are available here: PDF
They are also available on KTH Web File Access: here [seems like Internet Explorer is the only way to access it]
And the content is available through FTP (i.e. Filezilla), see instructions in separate post.
Update Thursday 17:24

Please note that two texts have been added since earlier today.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday 3 September: Istituto Italiano di Cultura

Location: Istituto Italiano di Cultura / Italienska Kulturinstitutet, Gärdesgatan 14
09:45 Welcome by Virginia Piombo, director of the Italian Institute of Culture
10:00 Lecture: Antonello Alici – A trip to Rome through the eyes of Giambattista Piranesi
11:00 Lecture: Johan Mårtelius – The Piranesian experience
12-13:30 Lunch
13:30 Lecture: Gertrud Olsson – Southern light and northern reflections
14:30 Lecture: Claes Sörstedt – As is
15:30 Lecture: Antonello Alici – Profiles of Italian architects in the 20th Century
16:30 Guided tour of the Italian Institute

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Typology: Church. Groups No. 1–10

1. Fasterna Kyrka
2. Orkesta Kyrka
3. Länna Kyrka
4. Sorunda Kyrka
5. Värmdö Kyrka
6. Roslagskulla Kyrka
7. Mariakyrkan (Sigtuna)
8. Färentuna Kyrka
9. Salem Kyrka
10. Skånela Kyrka

Typology: Manor House Groups No. 11-20

11. Villa Aske
12. Rånäs Slott
13. Steninge Slott
14. Penningby Slott
15. Svindersvik
16. Tyresö Slott
17. Nyckelvikens Herrgård
18. Bogesunds Slott
19. Wenngarns Slott
20. Skånelaholms Slott

Typology: Industry Groups No. 21-30

21. Skebobruk
22. Ortala Bruk
23. Södertälje Hamn
24. Rosersbergs Industriområde
25. Barkarby Handelsplats
26. Gustavsberg
27. Vira Bruk
28. Gnesta
29. Norrtälje Hamn
30. Rindö

Typology: Barns Groups No. 31-40

31. Angarn
32. Kungsängen
33. Ytterjärna
34. Kårsta
35. Färingsö
36. Frösunda
37. Odensala
38. Turinge
39. Haninge / Årsta Säteri
40. Låssa


1. Group Assignment.

You will work in a group of five or six. Your group will be assigned a location in the proximity of Stockholm, reachable by public transport. Thursday is scheduled for the field trip, so take time to plan the trip to your study object. Call ahead and try to arrange that you can get entry to your building. We don’t have opinion on modes of transportation, feel free to get there by bus, car, bike or train. Just make sure that you make the trip as a group.
Be advised to dress accordingly to the weather. Also, bring your own lunch and sufficient material: pens + paper, crayons + colours, according to personal preference, fully charged camera, tape measure and other things necessary for a job well done.

a) Document the excursion itself: the way to your location, places, atmospheres et cetera. Technique and media: at your own discretion

b) Describe and document one or more buildings at your location.

c) When, what, who and why: research the historical context of the building.

d) Think and discuss on the quality of experiencing spatial environments in person and as an image (or other kind of representations). From a contextual scale to 1:1, life size. Formulate a text of ten (or so) paragraphs/points.

e)  find a reference object and comment on The relationship.
Formulate a tagline to your study object.

f) Present your work at the assigned space on the wall of the Red Tent. Your group’s space is expected to be a work-in-progress, i.e. from Monday morning your current work should be pinned-up and updated, if necessary revised, throughout the week. No big print-outs (A1/A0 or bigger) are allowed. Work by hand or in smaller formats.

g) the Final presentation takes its form partly as your allotted wall space, and partly as short presentation for projection. Please prepare a PDF of 5 slides, uploaded on the server no later than Thursday 11th of September 19:00.


2. Individual Assignment:

Read the texts (see separate post) and write a short summery, approx 3000 characters. Format: PDF Deadline: uploaded on the server no later than 14th of September 17:00.

Study Objects + Group No.

1. Fasterna Kyrka
2. Orkesta Kyrka
3. Länna Kyrka
4. Sorunda Kyrka
5. Värmdö Kyrka
6. Roslagskulla Kyrka
7. Mariakyrkan (Sigtuna)
8. Färentuna Kyrka
9. Salem Kyrka
10. Skånela Kyrka
11. Villa Aske
12. Rånäs Slott
13. Steninge Slott
14. Penningby Slott
15. Svindersvik
16. Tyresö Slott
17. Nyckelvikens Herrgård
18. Bogesunds Slott
19. Wenngarns Slott
20. Skånelaholms Slott
21. Skebobruk
22. Ortala Bruk
23. Södertälje Hamn
24. Rosersbergs Industriområde
25. Barkarby Handelsplats
26. Gustavsberg
27. Vira Bruk
28. Gnesta
29. Norrtälje Hamn
30. Rindö
31. Angarn
32. Kungsängen
33. Ytterjärna
34. Kårsta
35. Färingsö
36. Frösunda
37. Odensala
38. Turinge
39. Haninge / Årsta Säteri
40. Låssa

Monday, September 1, 2014


Tuesday 2 September: Introduction
Location: Red Tent, Architecture School
10:00 Registration
10:30 Introduction
11:15 Lecture: Johan Mårtelius – The Grand Tour
12-13 Lunch
13:00 Lecture: Gertrud Olsson – Travelling as such
14:00 Lecture: Antonello Alici – The image of Italy through the eyes of the architects in the 19th and 20th Century
15:00 Presentation of Assignments
16:00 Group meeting / planning

Wednesday 3 September: Lecture
Architectural education through the Grand Tour: mediterranean connections
Location: Istituto Italiano di Cultura / Italienska Kulturinstitutet, Gärdesgatan 14
09:45 Welcome by Virginia Piombo, director of the Italian Institute of Culture
10:00 Lecture: Antonello Alici – A trip to Rome through the eyes of Giambattista Piranesi
11:00 Lecture: Johan Mårtelius – The Piranesian experience
12-13:30 Lunch
13:30 Lecture: Gertrud Olsson – Southern light and northern reflections
14:30 Lecture: Claes Sörstedt – As is
15:30 Lecture: Antonello Alici – Profiles of Italian architects in the 20th Century
16:30 Guided tour of the Italian Institute

Thursday 4 September: Field trip
Location: Individual
Field trip in groups

Friday 5 September: Work
Location: Architecture School
Assignment work

Monday 8 September: Work + The Asplund Day
Location: Red Tent, Architecture School
09:00 Pin-up your work in progress (as it is) on your assigned wall space in the Red Tent
09:00-11:30 Assignment work. Tutors available

Location: Skandiabiografen, Drottninggatan 82
12:45 Skandia Cinema
13:00 Lecture: Gertrud Olsson – Asplund: Expression through impression
13:30 Lecture: Johan Mårtelius – Asplund's modern classicism
14:30-15:00 Tour no. 1 of Asplund’s cinema
15:00 Lecture: Antonello Alici – Asplund's resonances in Italy
15:45-16:00: Tour no. 2 of Asplund’s cinema

Tuesday 9 September: Work
Location: Red Tent, Architecture School
10–12 Presentation of Elective Courses
13–16 Assignment work in groups. Tutors available.

Wednesday 10 September: Work
Location: Red Tent, Architecture School
9-16 Assignment work in groups. Tutors available.

Thursday 11 September: Work
Location: Red Tent, Architecture School
9-16 Assignment work in groups.
Deadline: PDF for projection uploaded to server not later than 19:00:

Friday 12 September: Presentation
Location: Red Tent, Architecture School
Presentation + Exhibition

Sunday 14 September: Deadline
Deadline for your individual text assignment. Upload it to the server not later than 17:00.